Monday, February 13, 2012

Delayed response

So I know I've been horrible at writing, but it's been a crazy few weeks.

First to pick up where I left off- the night of my last blog it felt like I was getting a stye in my eye. I wear contacts so I am familiar with styes and wasn't entirely surprised that I was getting one; I usually get one a year. But the next day, as my eye continued to redden and become sensitive to light, I realized I did in fact have pink eye. I had never had pink eye before and didn't know what to expect- the fact that it went from a minor irritation to blood red and swollen shut in about 5 hours was shocking to me. By the time I made it to the Dr it was late in the evening and even later when I tried to fill my prescription. Turns out the 24 hour Walgreens didn't have my prescription eye drops in stock, but I thought it was no big deal as I was fine the night before. This was to my peril. I have never felt like my eye was going to explode before, it hurt so bad I wanted nothing more than to gouge it out of my head. By the morning I hadn't slept all night, I walked around with both eyes shut because even the night light in my bathroom as viewed with my GOOD eye sent shocking waves of pain to the infected eye. My friend graciously took pity on me and my tears of misery and went to get my drops by noon the next day. By then it had swollen shut and leaked its bacteria down my face causing my cheek to look chapped. I had to pry open my eye to put in the first drop, and within 20 mins my blood shot eye had soothed and then I was relatively normal after a few hours.

Since I was contagious, I was unable to go to my work Gala that Saturday, which I guess was ok since I couldn't eat the dinner provided anyhow being that I was still cleansing. It was just a rough week. I went straight from having essentially seafood poisoning to having pink eye. At that point I felt like my cleanse was pretty much shot.

I did finish out the program, but it was no longer a cleanse as I had milk and bread on some days I felt sick. I tried to eat good still and drank my shakes as scheduled. I skipped one of the cleanse days as I felt I hadn't had enough good health that week and feared making myself even worse. Ultimately by  the end of the month I had lost 10 lbs and 3 inches. My energy is through the roof even with the sickness.

I ordered another pak and intend to do it all over again. I ordered the soup mixes this time though, and the milk chocolates. I also bought an app that is going to have me running a 5K in 8 weeks. I am pretty stoked to start that. I've given myself just over a week off and have surprisingly not had any weight gain, so I am pretty happy. I have continued the shakes in the morning, they have become a staple in my life. I can tell that I crash on the mornings when I eat normal food as opposed to the shakes, they really are beneficial to getting me through a day. AND I don't hate them like I used to. They still taste chalky, but I don't gag on them anymore, I'm pretty used to its taste. I found some recipes on how to spice them up with fruits and such to change the flavor, so I'm looking forward to the change.

Last week I got a sinus infection with a cold and it makes me wonder what the hell is going on in my body. I used to have an immune system of steel and yet in 30 days I've had seafood poisoning, pink eye, and a cold that morphed into a sinus infection. I read somewhere that when you're cleansing, your body desperately tries to rid itself of toxins and you'll have more breakouts or earwax or things like that. Makes me wonder if all of this illness isn't my body ridding itself of all the bad stuff. I know it seems more logical that I got the pink eye from a client, and the cold from my roommate, but still...

I'm still really congested, and look forward to not being sick anymore. I think I'm done for a while. Well, I think that's catches you up, I hope to be better at writing now that things have leveled out.


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