Friday, December 30, 2011

Where to start

So I thought I was going to start this weekend after having the long weekend to stock my fridge full of healthy items. But I've decided to go a different direction. I've decided to do a 30 day cleanse. I didn't think that that was how I was going to go about this, but it makes sense. I've done a few cleanses before, and am a strong advocate of them. I've had great success before- maybe not so much in the weight loss category, but more in the better sleep/more energy category. To be honest, the fact that I did a 3 week detox with absolutely NO cheating, gave me hope that I had the willpower to change my lifestyle. I crave the sleep I had on that detox, so much so that when I come across info about various cleanses, I take pause to read about them.

I came across this one because I follow someone on twitter that did a 9 day cleanse on a cellular level. He tweeted about his journey, and though his buddies busted his balls for doing something as sissy as a detox, I've seen that more than a few have since tried the detox themselves. His wife recently got on twitter and we had been exchanging emails about another topic and then the detox came up. She gladly gave me more info about it and I watched a presentation about the company and was immediately struck. The ideas they were touting were nearly the same ideas that my friend M has been saying to me for this new lifestyle journey, and of course the same basic ideas about organic foods and detoxes that I already believed in. I went from wanting a 9 day cleanse to wanting their 30 day full body cleanse.

Now, I haven't bought it yet, but I am super excited about it. Not because I think it's going to be a miracle cure to my obesity, but because I feel like it is going to be the full body detox I crave and a way for me to jump-start my system for this new change. It is going to pull out impurities from my cells and then flush them out of my system. With that comes the conquering of my inevitable cravings for pasta and cookies (my two weaknesses). I think the reason I decided to do it is because (though it's not cheap) it will replace 2 meals a day for 30 days. I don't have to buy much at the store, so it kinda becomes a wash. And who knows, maybe my cutting out fast food/restaurants and specialty coffees might pay for it in itself, as sickening as that is to admit.

I have high hopes for the positive effects I feel like it will have. I did a lot of online research over the last few days, looking for negative reviews about the programs or the company, and though I found reviews in which people had no major positive effects, I found very little in bad reviews. Most are not only positive, but this company has changed a lot of lives. They have broken ground in genetic research and mastered the production of vitamins and minerals. I am just anxious to give them a try. I feel like this might be the clean slate I need to get started- flush the system and start over.

So, this all said, I have to order the cleanse which means I won't really be starting for probably another week. In the meantime I will start some healthy habits- more water, eating (a healthy) breakfast, more healthy snacking. This will be the first cleanse I've ever done that will be blogged... THIS should be interesting. :-)


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