Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Anticipation and the exorcist

I got an email that my cleanse has shipped and will be here in 2 days. The anticipation is killing me! I'm not exactly anxious to stop eating my favorite foods, but I AM anxious to feel better. Do you ever get that feeling like your body is congested? and I'm not talking a stuffy head, I'm talking about that overall feeling of "yuck" that is back-building in your body unable to escape- kinda like when you eat Taco Bell! haha Well that's how I feel.

I've done a detox before, and I remember how great it made me feel. I now long for it again. But I am also nervous about the shakes I will be drinking. I have weird texture issues: I'm unable to eat too much yogurt at one time and I also cannot eat anything that is mushy or soggy. If it's mind over matter, that is one area where matter wins. So I fear these shakes (though I have invested in straws which helps). I remember one colon cleanse I did like 10 years ago which had me drink these fiber drinks (mix a packet of fiber in 12 oz of water - and I'm talking what looked like rice grains, none of that Metamucil dissolving stuff!).  I couldn't handle the texture yet it was too thick for a straw. So, not wanting to quit, I had the clever idea to pour a bit on a spoon, eat it, and gulp it down with water (my mom had taught me to crush aspirin that way before I could take pills). Genius right? no. I load up one giant spoon full ("let's get this over with"), cram it into my mouth and take a gulp of water. Until that moment I hadn't realized that I did not ever watch the mixture blend and how it expands in water. So my giant spoonful became an expanding mouthful of mush. My gag reflex kicked in at the sensing of anything mushy, and I not only spewed the globulated mixture of nasty against the wall of the kitchen but I proceeded to vomit on the floor also. It looked like the exorcist scene in there!! lol So hopefully this paints the picture of worry about me and these shakes. I REALLY want them to not suck! I wonder what weird habits I will develop with this cleanse? On my last one, I missed cookies so much, I'd buy one and smell it. Just smell it, no tasting or licking, just take in a whif of that goodness aroma! I have to remind myself, you don't miss those things for long.

I AM going to miss alcohol though. I've got a work Gala in 3 weeks, and not only will I not be able to partake in the dinner, but every year I have had my fair share of wine. Some of my more incriminating pictures/stories have come from this event. Luckily, my partner in crime is pregnant. Maybe it won't feel like that much of a loss since she'll be in my boat. Hey, if there wasn't sacrifice, it wouldn't be worth it right?! (This is what I keep telling myself)

My last cleanse was an Organic raw foods cleanse, where over 3 weeks you slowly took out flour, refined sugar, and milk from your diet, replacing with organic grains, veggies, and fruits. Then you slowly replace those with just raw fruits and vegetables. It was expensive and time consuming, it involved a lot of prep every day and night, but the result was awesome. I have never slept so great! I knew I'd never do one like that again, but I also knew cleansing was an important thing to do simply because of how great I felt. This cleanse has shakes and liquids which is more up my alley (read: easy).

Today I asked a friend of mine if she'd ever done a cleanse and without a breath she proceeds to tell me how useless cleansing was and how it was a "conspiracy of the organics" who have convinced us that something is wrong with our food. I was shocked that my usually sensible and understanding friend would make such accusations. It reminded me that not everyone believes that organic food is better for you (or rather that normal foods can be bad for you). It all seems so logical to me, I mean look at the eating habits of our country and our rising obesity rates (I see a correlation, no?). Anyways, that is neither here nor there, what surprised me is that she felt the need to verbally attack my simple question. I wasn't going to give her a lecture on eating do's and dont's, I was just curious. I've asked other people before who have answered as emphatically (pipe down people! I'm not going to take your french fries away from you, calm down!). I can't help but wonder what it is about organics and cleansing that sends people into such a frenzy, as if I am questioning the very basis of their being? sheesh! Anyways, I quickly discovered she had never done a cleanse. Obviously.

So to all those who might be reading this that don't believe in organic foods or cleansing, I ask you, what's the harm in eating healthy foods for the sake of feeling better? Am I a gullible fool for doing it? I say no more than you are for not.

Happy new year all!


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