Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 1- Isagenix 30 day cleanse

Weight lost: 0
Inches lost: 0

My cleanse was supposed to arrive on Thursday. When it not only did not show up but when I tracked it it showed no activity, I panicked a little. I had some issues over Christmas with this same thing, so I was relieved when they sent me a delivery confirmation on Friday! I ran after work to get it from my box and tore into it when I got home. First let me say that the box was so heavy I wondered what I had gotten myself into; want to lose weight? just carry that box around all day, geez! I had a hard time maneuvering on the ice and getting through the door. But alas I made it, and like the "rule-follower" I am, promptly watched the dvd instructional and listened to the audio. I felt a lot better about following the guidelines after listening to the audio because they reiterated how this is not a diet and though their meal suggestions will give you the best possible results, you are not required to eat what they suggest. It really takes the pressure off. I've done cleanses before where it is stressed that, for instance, if you have milk after they take you off it, that you'll ruin the whole cleanse. Isagenix reiterated more than once that this is not the case for their program. So that was a nice surprise!

I kinda set myself up for failure this morning. I stayed up till 1AM finishing reading a book I couldn't put down, so even though I woke up early to do the cleanse stuff, I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep. I'm dragging ass today. I am SO thankful they have an idiot proof checklist on what to take and when or else I'd be screwed; this cleanse has a lot of components. The ionix stuff smells bad but doesn't taste too bad (luckily I only drink an ounce, so it doesn't matter much). The shake smells absolutely delicious but tastes a little less delicious! haha, BUT all my worries are put aside, I think I won't have problem drinking them twice a day. They taste like a protein drink which inevitably tastes weird, but it's probably the best one I've ever tasted in that category. Still a little weird though. I didn't make it with crushed ice, I will have to try that tonight. What is it about cold drinks that can make them taste better?

No hunger pains yet, I had my snack and am about to head out to get a salad and some things for later this week. It's kinda nice having to only plan one meal a day! I've had to pee a million times today and my kidneys are tender (a good sign assume). We'll see how I feel tomorrow after one full day of packing my body with nutrients. I am expecting the usual few days of feeling like crap as toxins come out of your cells and your body freaks out. Don't feel like crap yet.

Sorry I'm not more amusing, like I said, I am tired and pretty much don't function on less than 8 hours of sleep.

So far so good though, time will tell.


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