Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 8-the day after

Weight lost: 7lbs
Inches lost: 2inches

It's been a few days so let me back up a bit. I went to a musical on Saturday with my friend, and before hand we went to my favorite place ever (previously mentioned), Humpy's Alehouse. My friend wanted to be sympathetic to me and my plight, but I insisted she order whatever she likes, that I would be fine. And when the waitress brought her out a plate of salmon spread and chicken nachos, I'm not gunna lie, a part of me died inside. :-) Our routine was to order those and split them, and I'd order a beer, and we'd watch football on the tvs... I'm THAT kinda girl! lol But instead, I was super proud of myself; I ordered salmon and a salad. It was the first meal I'd had "out" since starting this, and I thought it was the safest bet. I really actually did like my meal, it was delicious (I've never had anything at Humpy's I didn't like) but I couldn't stop watching her food like a sad puppy. The last cleanse I did I smelled things all the time, well this time I stare I guess! She knew it was hard for me, and I tried not make it a big deal, but she seriously took the first chip of nachos all piled high with chicken and cheese and guac and sour cream and black bean deliciousness and the cheese strung out like 6 inches before it broke and recoiled back. I actually said out loud "Seriously?!"- more to the nacho than to her, I can't blame HER for the nacho's irresistible deliciousness. We had good a laugh (though to confess, I am still thinking about how good those looked). That was officially my last solid meal before the cleanse day.

And that brings me to Sunday. I was unsure how my body would react to this cleanse, so I hadn't planned anything on sunday, just a book and water bottle at my side. So the "Cleanse for Life" liquid has a pretty rank immediate after-taste but it goes away almost instantly which I was grateful for. The plan is you drink the cleanse for life 4 times and eat these "snacks" that were appetite suppressants 4 times, and you alternate these. Since I had woken up early, it seemed logical for me to plan on every two hours doing one or the other. I was definitely not hungry all morning, it wasn't until about 1pm that I started noticing that it was getting harder to make it to the next interval. At about 5PM I started to get sad, which I assumed was a blood sugar thing or a cleansing thing (I've read that your cells have memories and as you detox, sometimes you feel what you felt before) or both. I was a little light headed all day and I found my mind wandering while I read and twice I looked out the window and thought for a split second I was back in Texas. I mean, obviously I knew I was in Alaska, but I looked into the sun and both time thought to myself, "I should be reading outside in the warmth." until I came out of the confusion and realized I was in Alaska and it was in fact -5 outside. It was a weird feeling, kinda confusing like I said. So as the hours passed, I found myself "homesick". But it was weird homesick, cause I don't actually think of Texas as my home anymore. It's where my family and extended family live of course, but that is their home now and I just visit. So to be longing for a home I no longer consider a home... it just weighed on my heart. It made me think of my favorite quote from the movie Garden State (If you haven't seen it, watch it immediately), "It's like you feel homesick for a place that doesn't exist... Maybe that's what family is; a group of people who miss the same imaginary place." That's exactly how I felt. I laid in bed for a while after that.
THEN, much to my dismay, I had forgotten that I can have these chocolates I bought with my pak, it's the only snack I could have outside of those pretty unsatisfying appetite suppressants. And THIS my friends made all the difference. I had one of those two different time and it pulled me through to the finish line without issue. By the evening I had finished reading my book and was pretty wiped. Unfortunately, I could not sleep (ugh!) so today I'm tired.

This morning was a whole other monkey. I could feel the weakness in my body (I don't know how people cleanse for two days in a row, I'm not there yet). I could feel my body craving nutrients. I managed my morning routine pretty normal and when I got to the shake I sucked that bad boy down, like inhaled it! lol It was the first time since I started this that I got it down in under 10 mins. I wish I could say the day was uneventful but my stomach is definitely sensitive. I ate my snack, the first solid food I'd had in 2 days and my stomach started making noises. Nothing came of that but I started feeling nausea, not so bad that it effected me or I was going to vomit or anything, but I could feel it. It took me 2 hours to finish a fiber bar, and I've had a lot of water in between. It's odd because I seriously don't have an upset stomach, it doesn't hurt, it just feels, I dunno, weak or something. Can you strain your stomach? lol

Anyways, tonight for my first solid meal I am having salmon and green beans and rice and I have been thinking about it for 2 days! Thank you baby Jesus, the moment has come!


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