Friday, January 13, 2012

Hulking out

So it is finally happening, I have noticed my first major change. First a little background. I am NOT a morning person, and I caps that because of how emphatic I am about it. It's so bad that I even tell people I live with to not talk to me in the morning until I talk to them (or don't expect a "good morning" back if they talk to me). Depending on how tired I am, this could last an hour to two hours. I hope you don't judge me, I am actually a very nice person, and even in the category of "personable". But when I'm tired, I'd rather not say anything to anyone, and those that dare talk to me better say something intelligible or else your going to get the death stare from me. And let's face it, I am always tired in the morning. As a naturally guilt-ridden person, I then feel awful- about 3 hours later- that I behaved so badly. But as they say, c'est la vie.

So this morning, still no different than usual; I couldn't sleep last night which I read insomnia is a side effect of cleansing, and I woke up very tired. I get into work and had a message waiting for me to call back a client which is arguably the biggest idiot in the industry. I knew the conversation would inevitably fling me into the depths of loathing from which there is no return till at least lunch time (these people ruin my day from the get-go). But I make the call and the niceness flows from my mouth with ease. Then my assistant comes in and I tell her a funny story about yesterday and we have a big laugh in my office. It was probably mid laugh, right as I'm throwing my head back in the hearty chuckle, that it occurs to me... I am in a GREAT mood! You might view this as a fluke, but I can tell you with certainty, that I never deter from my morning grumpiness, not a single morning; I can't even fake a laugh. But here I am, still sleepy tired, yet all evidence to the contrary- It is like I am the best version of myself this morning! haha

The other thing I am continuing to take note of is how vividly I'm dreaming. I mentioned it to Diana (my "cleanse coach") asking if she has ever had that experience, and she simply responds "maybe you're getting quality REM sleep now". A simple statement yet profound impact. I've never had so many dreams in such a short amount of time, it makes me wonder if I ever get the proper sleep- THUS my morning grumpiness. It's not an excuse, I'm just sayin'...


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