Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How do other people celebrate?

This process has really caused me to examine myself in a way I've never done. For instance, I realized last night (for no particular reason) that I celebrate/mourn with food. Great day at work? Apple Ale and salmon spread at Humpy's is in immediate order. Family giving me problems? warm cookies or brownies will set me right with the world. Sunny days wouldn't be complete without hummus, Weddings are about cake, Christmas is about cookies, and summer birthdays are centered around BBQs (fully stocked with hot dogs and potato salad)! I could probably revolve every major event around some sort of food I like. So this begs the question, how to other people celebrate? Is there anyone out there that celebrates a promotion by going hiking? anyone who cures a broken heart by biking the coastal trail? I seriously don't know how people make a "special occassion" special without some sort of food. This either makes me really pathetic or totally normal (albeit overindulgent). I pray for the latter, or else Fourth of July will no longer hold the same joy for me. I will further investigate and report my findings for inquiring minds.


1 comment:

  1. Your totally not the only person who thinks of this stuff. I think about it all the time. Always remember you can have one day a week to eat what you want! So when Fourth of July comes along I will save my one day for that day. Same with Thanksgiving and Christmas. BBQs and all. Just make it that one day in the week. But you just can't cheat and do that more than once in the week. Saturdays I will be eating whatever I want except for pop and fast food. I went to the bar with some friends last night and its not my cheat day. It was sooooo hard to not get a drink. I had water with lemons in it. They teased me a little but were supportive. You can still go celebrate! It is just going to be a little harder to eat and drink the things you want. If the people around you aren't supportive of it and tease you about it. Than just think of me. I am going through the same torture.

    On a side note! Hummus is totally okay to eat as long as your not using tortilla chips. Find lowfat crackers or pita chips. Just make sure you pay attention to the serving sizes. Have one serving of the crackers or pita chips. I literally count them out! lol! Not fun. I look ridiculous doing it but it allows you to eat something you love without having to feel guilty.

    Keep it up! You rock!
