Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 2

Nothing eventful has happened. I've been checking off the checklist all of the items as I do them, realized at the end of the day that I had about 100oz of water! That's pretty good for me! It has kept me peeing all day though. I've never peed so much ever, probably once an hour. And I have for sure never needed to pee in the middle of the night, which happened last night. The irony is that I've always been known to have a bladder of steel- I could drink all night and never have to pee. It was my claim to fame, as sad as that is!

I had a killer headache last night that knocked me out (plus the no sleep the night before, double knock out). I got home, made my shake, waited about a half hour then took my cleanse pill and passed out around 7PM and slept like a rock all night (minus the pee break of course). Woke up at 6:30am this morning to start over again. This isn't my first rodeo so I know that the headaches are usually from all the toxins being released in your system and your body hates you for a few days while it adjusts. I've had worse, and the fact that I wasn't hungry helped. Because without doubt being home was the hardest part, being that my roommate just went to the store to buy groceries. I thought work would be hard? no. Home was bad. It was funny because I wasn't hungry, like, at all. But my body was craving things that I saw. It was some pretty intense will power to drink my shake and not think about that new block of cheese in my fridge (that and the crackers were calling my name). This morning I was hoping to feel refreshed, but I'm not to that point yet.

I made my shake this morning and decided to put some ice in it (just in it, not crushed in it). And let me tell you it makes all the difference! I was able to get it down in 15 mins, all while cooking my chicken for todays lunch. I'm having chicken with steamed mixed veggies, an apple, and a greek yogurt (about 500 cals total). I had never had greek yogurt before, so I bought 4 different flavors that I'm giving a try. Yesterday was honey flavor, today is vanilla. I am trying to stay away from the fruit flavored ones to avoid the possible sugar they usually have. Counting calories is tough, but when you only have to do it for 1 meal a day it seems so much less stressful. Yesterday I wasn't hungry which I was happy about, usually these things leave something to be desired. Maybe it's all the water I'm drinking, keeping my belly full to ward off hunger! lol

I'm having issues with all the pills/vitamins, but only because I'm a retard. I choke on like every one of them, I had to take the fish oil pill twice cause I literally threw it up on my mouth with its water (I know that as gross, but this is my blog and it is a judgment free zone. I'll warn you before I start talking about my bowel movements! lol).

The other thing worth noting is that my kidneys are tender. They don't hurt, and it doesn't hurt to pee (for all you "it's a kidney infection" people), they're just tender. It could just be that they are working overtime because there are toxins invading my body right now, or maybe from all the water I'm drinking, they've never worked so hard before. But either way, I am going to look into it and see if its anything I should be concerned about.

I haven't noticed any significant changes other than that. I've decided not to weigh myself everyday, I think I'd rather see a the number when I weigh myself after every cleanse day.  We'll see.


1 comment:

  1. Your doing so awesome! Keep in mind when trying greek yogurt, try different brands. I like most brands but some of them taste kinda chalky. I really like Fage! Its has the fruit separate from yogurt so you can add as much as you want. Chabani is my husbands favorite but I don't like it. Dannon is pretty good but Fage is the best. No chalkyness! I am feeling you on the peeing thing! I have to pee like an old lady now. I thought the same thing when I woke up a few nights ago to pee! I thought I had super bladder. Turns out I was probably dehydrated! I feel so much better drinking more water! Also fish oil pills make me throw up too. Are they required for the cleanse? I know fish oil is good for you but they make u burp and there nasty. I take a multivitamin that doesn't make me sick. I will tell you the name soon. It also has natural caffeine in it or something because they give me energy. LOVE THEM! Anyways hope you get this. I noticed no one ever writes me back when I post to there blogs. I also noticed that I have a bunch of people who replied to mine and I'm not even getting emails about it.? Still new to this blogging! lol
